Hand Touching GPS Tracker in Car

God’s Prompting Spirit (GPS)

My TomTom GPS or Google Maps is incredibly useful to me. I can’t navigate places without it. Even though it occasionally directs me to take longer routes, if I trust the directions, I eventually arrive at my destination. It might be a few minutes late, but I always get there. In larger cities, I have to be careful to include specific streets or lanes, as some share the same names. Attention to detail is crucial to avoid confusion.

Similarly, God has provided His own ‘GPS’ through the Bible. When I fully depend on God, relying on His Holy Spirit working in my heart and His word in the Bible, I can accomplish the purpose of my life in God’s timing. At times, it feels like God takes us on a different route, one we might not prefer. Just follow along His direction.

God called Moses to lead the nation of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land, named Canaan. If they had simply obeyed, they could have reached the good land God had prepared in just 12 days. However, the Israelites disobeyed, leading to a 40-year journey before they finally arrived. God allowed the older generation to pass away, paving the way for a new generation led by individuals like Joshua and Caleb to enter the Promised Land. Joshua, in particular, stood out as a leader who truly trusted God to guide his life.

Joshua 24:15, “And if it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourself today whom you will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River in Egypt or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living, but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

From Expert of my book, “Joyful Living to Leave a Legacy” Dr. Luna – Amazon, 2022

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