Woman Holding a Smiley Balloon

God Made Me

I don’t know where I got this story, but it make me smile and I like to share this with you to brighten your day.

There once a lady who when she got up, saw in the mirror that she had 3 hair. She said,” Well, what will I do today?  I can bread my 3-hair into a nice ponytail.” So she had fun breading her 3 hairs. “Well, it is beautiful.” The next morning when she got up, she saw 2 hairs. She said, “ Well I can parted my hair, one to the right and one to the left.” She was having fun playing with her hair and was satisfied with her look. The next morning, she saw 1 hair. So she said,  “Well, I can roll it nicely to the back or roll it to the front. Hm.” So she was having fun playing with her hair. The next morning, she saw no hair. So she said, “ Well, I now will do other things.” And she looks for other things to do and still content.

  • Recognize God who puts us on earth and He wants us to live victoriously
  • Let the peace of God rule in our hearts daily
  • Have a reasonable estimate of our capabilities
  • Ask God is there anything I can change or do to improve my work

Ps 139:13-14 (ESV) – “For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well.

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